Cooperatives distributing pension to elderly members

Palpa : A Savings and Credit Cooperatives institution here has been distributing monthly pension for its elderly members.
The Andhakarmukta Savings and Credits Cooperatives Institution has been providing a pension of Rs. 500 per month to members above 70 years old. Earlier, it was distributed in every fourth months, now we will provide it every month, said its Chairperson Tirtha Prasad Pangeni.
The Cooperatives had been distributing monthly pension to a total of 33 members two years ago. It is now provided to 44 members. Founded in 1998, the cooperatives institution currently has a total of 8,168 members. The institution has been running various programmes for the uplift of the financial situation of its members. It is providing its service of savings and credit in 16 VDCs and Rampur municipality of the district.

नेचुरल सहकारीको १६औं साधारण सभा सम्पन्न, कुल कारोबार २ अर्ब ६९ करोड
२ मंसिर २०८१, आईतवार
संसदीय समितिलाई कांग्रेसले बुझायो सहकारीको समस्या, कारण र समाधानका उपायसहितको सुझाव
२६ भाद्र २०८१, बुधबार
सहकारी सञ्जालको ५३औं बैठक: समसामयिक मुद्दा, चुनौती र समस्या समाधानमा छलफल
२८ श्रावण २०८१, सोमबार
आर्थिक मन्दी: सहकारी सरोकारवालाहरुका लागि सिकाइ
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